20, 2012, 02:04 PM EDT As long as there has been news on TV, there have been news bloopers - and we all know the most YouTube-worthy FAILs are the accidentally sexual ones. “I actually haven’t seen any of the movies but one ,” she says,”because when I say something is possible from a bear biology perspective (such as tracking at long distances), it is, but I am going to highly doubt it was portrayed in a way that was behaviorally bear-correct. News Anchor FAIL Compilation 2012: The Best Accidentally Sexual News Bloopers (VIDEO) Apr. Ciarniello of Aklak Wildlife Consulting, where she provides bear research and management services such as trapping, radiocollaring, and tracking. Our expert? Human/bear conflict expert Dr. In honor of the fright flick’s release, we’ve compiled a list of bear movies and rated them from ridiculous to realistic. The bickering pair promptly gets lost before running afoul of a black bear that happens to have a voracious appetite for cute couples. RELATED: The 21 Best Sports Movies of All-Time The film tells the story of a thirty-something outdoorsman and his corporate lawyer girlfriend who decide to take a camping trip.
Just in time for spring hiking, Backcountry, a movie released by IFC Midnight, aims to scare audiences away from the woods.